Prophecy – September 19th

September 19th          Sally’s Word

This morning God showed me a suspension bridge crossing a wide river and I believe he is saying …..

“You would not hesitate to cross that bridge, because you have faith in the engineering feat behind it! The safest place on earth is in the center of my will, not on a remote island or behind your walls and burglar-proofed windows. Listen to my voice, feel my impressions on your heart and then do what I am commanding you to do – you will walk in safety and provision – you will walk through the fire and not be burned and I will shut the mouths of marauding beasts – Fear is not of me, but love and power are! Shake off the shackles, walk in my ways and you will find rest for your souls. Fear and foreboding have kept, you bound and fearful … and separated and have restrained the progress of my church and my anointed ones – break out and take back what the enemy has stolen and step into all that I have for you!”

September 19th          Amanda’s Word

It’s time to get your head out of the sand.There are many who are living like if I ignore or don’t think about what is in revelation then maybe it will pass me by or I will be gone before it happens. Stop living in denial The end times are here. You are approaching the last lap. Choosing not to listen to information because it’s “too scary” is not going to stop it from happening. Ignoring the message I have been speaking and sending through my people will not delay it. Get prepared, get ready. Make right. Be discerning. Seek truth, the truth is found at my feet. Seek me daily for instruction, for guidance, if you don’t you will be like those five  virgins who left to fill their lamps and were left out. Fear not I am with you Don’t think you are not strong enough, the Holy Spirit in you is all the strength you need.

Phil 4:13 …. Phil 4:19

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