Prayer Guide 05/04/2021 – 11/04/2021



PSALM   71 : 18

I have made You known to those You gave Me out of the world. They belonged to You, and You gave them to Me.

John 17 : 4

Our Ministers

Thank You Lord for all who have responded to Your call to work full-time for You. You have called, equipped and sent them forth to serve where You have placed them. Thank You for their diligence and faithfulness in preparing a message to bring to the people under their care. Thank You for their loving service for You and their continuing work to further Your Kingdom. Bless all who minister through Your Word in service for You and the people in their care.


You have given us a place to gather together in Your Name, to worship You, and to serve where You have placed us. Bless all who attend the services week by week, and also get involved in the activities that are offered. We thank You for the Sunday services, and the gathering of the saints. We worship and honor You, O Lord, and work diligently to extend Your Kingdom through our service for You. Bless us Lord, as we go forth in Your Name, and live honoring You in all things.

Church Leaders

Lord, we give You thanks and praise for the folk You have called to be part of the leadership here. May Your guiding hand be upon all that they do in Your Name, and lead in many areas of responsibility in their local church. May they be effective in bringing the Word to many and support all who attend here.

South Africa

God, bless South Africa and all her people! We bring the men and women who serve in the towns and cities all across our land. They work to provide services to all people, and are diligent in all that they do. Thank You Lord, for water, electricity and the sanitation services too. Thank You for the provision to us all, which gives us safety and light and power to us wherever we are.

The Needy

We pray for all who are not well at this time. May God touch them with His healing power and restore them to full health.

Called home to the Lord   Many who have succumbed to Covid and passed away. Praying for family and friends.

Monday 5 th April                1 John 4 : 7 – 21

God is Love!   What a blessing it is for us to live in union with God Almighty. He created us in and through His love and now we live in union with Him, going out each day under His leading and His loving kindness. He has given us His Spirit to live in our hearts and to guide our thinking and our doing as followers of His beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God is Love! God created Jesus, His Son, in Love! He calls us in love and desires us to live as His own, with love in our hearts for Him, His Son, and all of mankind. His love fills our hearts and minds, and drives out all fear and uncertainty. God is Love and through that love He enables us to live and care for others. God wants us to love all manner of people, the poor and suffering, the rich and famous, the beggar, the cripple and those who live as His own. Love one another as God loves each one of us!

Tuesday 6 th April               James 4 : 8

Come near to God!  We pray to God, yes, but do we spend sufficient time in His presence to learn His words to us and to take His instructions into our hearts? Our time in prayer is often insufficient. We come before our Lord and babble away, telling Him about all sorts of issues that we need answers for. Rather, we should come into His presence and wait in adoration and love for His word to us to be revealed. Instead of telling God what we want, we should be asking Him to reveal what He wants us to be and to do in His service. Come near to God and wait for His word! He has much to tell us. We need to listen intently for He has a message for us. Let God instruct you. Give thanks for His interest in all of our lives. He longs for a place in our busy lives. Meet with God and listen for His word to you.

Wednesday 7 th April            Proverbs 14 ; 9

Foolish, or wise?   Foolish people give no thought to their behaviour. They do whatever they like, regardless of the consequences of their actions. We need to be wise and measured in our thinking and our doing. If we rush ahead with no real thought of what our actions will do, we are foolish. This is not how God wants us to behave. He gives us a mind that can reason, and this helps us in our decision making. We need to be careful of our deeds and behave in a responsible manner. God will guide us if we go to Him and ask for His help for the way forward. He knows exactly what is required and will give us the wisdom to choose the right action. Let us not be foolish as many others are, but instead seek the Lord’s way for our lives. God knows best and will guide us when we ask for help. Let us not be foolish but wise in our decisions and actions.

Thursday 8 th April             Psalm 21 : 2 – 4

Life!   Life is given to us through the grace of our Lord and our God! He has determined just how long a life we are to have. His hand of blessing is upon us all, and we need to acknowledge His loving care. God watches over us at all times. He knows when we are awake, or when we are sleeping. He sees our diligence when we are working, and also when we are having a time of recreation. Our lives are rich due to God’s hand of blessing upon us. He has provided for all our needs and cares for us in sickness and in health. Our relationship with our Lord and or God needs to be treasured, for it is beyond price. God cares for each person and guides and helps us in all the times and trials of life. We rejoice over the blessings that God so generously gives. Life is a precious gift from God. Dedicate yourself to Him and live in joyful obedience to His will and way for your life!

Friday 9 th  April                  James 4 : 13 – 17

Plans!   We are always making plans! Every day we plan – to go shopping, to read a book, to write a letter, to spend time with God! Planning is such a part of our lives, but God tells us that we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so how can we plan. Rather we should place our tomorrows into God’s Hands, saying, “If it is God’s will, I will do this, or that!” Trust all our tomorrows into God’s will and way. Lay your plans before the Lord, trusting Him to care for you and guide you on right paths. His plans for your life are already in place. So, take what you desire to do before the Lord, seeking His will before you push ahead. God will not thwart your plans if they are in line with His, but if you want to go against His will, He will answer “No!” Take your plans to the Lord, for His ‘Yes’ or ‘No’!

Saturday  10 th April             Philippians 4 : 12 – 13

More than enough!   As we read these words in Philippians they resonate in our hearts. God is good! He watches over us in good times and bad times too, always ensuring that we are taken care of no matter what we have to face. God is unchanging in His loving care of us! Day by day we come to our Lord, placing our day in His care, and He has never let us down. He watches over us and goes before us into every situation we must face. Do we trust Him enough to relinquish our problems into His care, and leave them there? This is what He wants us to do – to trust Him fully with all our cares, troubles, sorrows, and issues in life. He has given us life – let us trust in His loving care. Yield all your cares into His hands. May His will be made perfect in our lives. He is the Lord Almighty, our beloved God. We worship Him and follow His will and way in our lives!

Sunday  11 th April

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  Praise Him you saints! Praise Him you followers. Bless Him now and forever, for He cares for us, without question. We praise and worship our Lord and our God, asking Him to help and guide us throughout life. He cares for us through thick and thin. Bless the Lord, O my soul. Let all that I am be a blessing to Him, as I follow His will and way, and go forth into life with Him watching over me and guiding my footsteps. Thank You my Lord and my God for Your loving care each day of our lives. We praise and worship You, now and always. Praise God in all our lives!!


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05/04/2021 – 11/04/2021

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