Prayer Guide 8 – 14 March 2021



JOHN 17 : 3


Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs;

1 Corinthians 13 : 4 – 5


Our Ministers

Thank You, Lord, for those You have chosen to bring Your message to others. You have chosen them, called them, and appointed them to bring Your Word to them, as well as care for them and instruct them in Your will and way as revealed by You. Thank You for their devotion to You, and for the loving care they bring to so many. You teach them day by day of Your will and way and assist them in all that they do in Your Name. Guide and help them Lord, to instruct and care for folk everywhere.



Bless us Lord as we gather together in Your Name, to fellowship together and to hear Your Word as prepared by the one You have appointed to lead Your church in this place. May Your Word go forth and encourage those who hear and desire to follow Your will and way.  We thank You that we can meet once more, to fellowship with one another. Take care of us Lord, and protect us from the virus that is still around.


Church Leaders

Bless the leaders of our church Lord, as they continue to meet and plan so that the activities of church can continue. We ask for Your encouragement in these difficult times, as they meet and make plans for the ongoing activities of the church. Bless each leader, Lord, and the responsibility that they have in their particular area of service. May Your hand of blessing be with them to help and guide them day by day.


South Africa

Thank You Lord, for the freedom we have to gather together to worship You. We pray for the people of our land, asking that You will guide and bless them in all their activities. Bless those in government Lord, and enable them to take the right decisions regarding the laws of our land. Bless too those in local city councils, as they supply the services that we require. May Your hand of blessing be upon us all. Thank You, Lord!


The Needy

There are many who are facing difficulty or hardship Lord. May Your Hand of Mercy touch them where it is needed most, and enable them to cope in these hard times. Bless us Lord, as we seek Your Grace and Mercy for our loved ones who are in need this day. Thank You Lord!


Should you require prayer please contact me by phone, or WhatsApp Cell No 0722297255


Called home to the Lord   Many who have succumbed to Covid and passed away. Praying for family and friends.


Monday 8 th March                Psalm 143 : 1 – 12

Remind me, Lord!   Lord, we come to You this day seeking Your presence, to worship You and praise You. You are our Lord and our God, worthy of every blessing and praise that is in our hearts. You call us to come to worship you, to spend time in Your presence and to hear Your Word to us. We pray the words of this Psalm, “Remind us each morning of Your constant love, for I put my trust in You. My prayers go up to You; show me the way I should go!” Lord, in Your presence we acknowledge You are our God, bringing our prayers of worship, praise and adoration. We seek Your presence, Your loving touch and Your Word to us this day. We are reminded that You are Lord of all and no matter what we suffer here on earth, our lives are kept safe for us by Your loving grace. We praise and worship You O Lord, praising Your Holy Name and giving thanks for Your loving kindness to us, Your children!


Tuesday 9 th March               John 15 : 4

United to Christ!   Jesus is longing for us to be united to Him. Not en-mass, but individually we come to Him, to worship and honour Him, and to grow in our knowledge of Him and to be united to Him, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour! He tells us that in being untied to Him we are able to bear fruit for Him. The beginnings of that fruit is the love that He places in our hearts. Love for Him and love for all those He brings to us. As we learn to love others as He loves us we are enabled to go into the world and help others as He directs. As we remain united to our Lord and Saviour He helps us to grow more kind, caring and loving, so that we readily reach out to help others. Allow Christ to draw you close to His heart, to know the depth of His love for you that enables you to be love to others He places across your path. Be united to Christ, our loving Lord!


Wednesday  10 th March         1 John 3 : 19 – 24

Have courage!   If we live pure and holy lives we can have the courage to enter the presence of our Lord. If our conscience is not clear we will not find it easy to come before the Lord. If this is the case we need to confess our wrongdoing before the Lord. Then with a clear conscience we can come into the Lord’s presence to worship and honour Him and hear His words. His words to us who have confessed our sin and been cleansed by the Lord are supportive and encouraging. We know that God lives in our hearts and has sent His Son to be our Lord and Saviour. So we can come to praise our Lord and our God with words of adoration. We lift our hands to worship our Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We have courage to enter into the presence of our Lord to worship and honour our God!


Thursday 11 th March             Psalm 23 : 1 – 6

I will not fear!   Even though there is fear all around, because of the virus that is present all over the world, I will not fear. My Lord has promised to take care of me and even though I go through the deepest darkness I will not be afraid. Lord, You watch over me! You take care of me! You are by my side and Your rod and staff protect me! You give me new strength Lord and guide me on safe paths so that I need not fear. Your presence is with me and Your loving care assures me that all will be well. Day by day You watch over me and care for me. You are great – a caring Father and a loving Lord. When Your presence surrounds me my fear subsides. My trust is in You and Your grace and love. I praise You O Lord. I love You and serve You, for You are my Lord and my God – ever near to help and guide me through the deepest darkness. I know Your loving kindness is always with me. Praise the Lord O my soul. Thank You for Your protection, Lord!


Friday 12 th March                  Colossians 2 : 20 – 3 : 4

Living with Christ!   Why do we continually worry about the things of the world? Human rules tell us ‘Don’t do this! Don’t touch that! Don’t behave like that!” Rather look to what God requires of us. Think on the things that He wants us to do. To be faithful in thought, word and deed, to God, our Father and Jesus, our Lord, through the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have died to self and live for Jesus Christ! Our lives are hidden with Christ in God and once we have joined our Lord in heaven we will see Him in all His Glory and we will share His glory! Let us live this life on earth with joy as we wait for the glorious day when we will join our Lord in Heaven and be there with Him for all Eternity. So we live with Christ in our hearts in this world, as we wait to be with Him in the next. Praise the Lord O my soul! Bless His holy Name!


Saturday  13 th March             Ephesians 4 : 1 – 16 (15)

Grow up!   Just as a child is born and grows up to adulthood, so we, as Christians, must grow up in every way to Christ. From the moment of our meeting with our Lord and accepting Him as our Christ, so we begin to grow and take on the qualities that He has. Love is the first of those qualities. It fills our heart with love for Christi and our Father God, and begins to spread out so that we are able to love all those we interact with. Day by day as we read God’s Word and see the qualities that Christ showed, we are urged to grow in love, peace, joy, truthfulness and kindness. With God’s help we began to change and grow more like the Lord we worship. May this change enable us to be like Christ and also be more loving towards our fellow man. God will help us to grow more loving as we desire to be like His Son, Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. May it be so, Lord!


Sunday 14 th March           

Father God we bring You praise and come to worship and honour You. You have watched over us from the moment we took our first breath and have kept us safe day by day. Thank You for Your loving kindness and Your guiding hand upon our lives. You have shown us the way to live as Your own, and we come to tell You that we honour and love You. You called us out of darkness in the glory of Your light. You have guided us and kept us safe from harm. Day by day we know Your loving hand keeping us safe from the temptations and dangers of this world. Keep us true Lord, in every way to be able to worship You in Spirit and in truth. Blessed Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we belong to You, always. Praise to the Lord of all. Holy is He and worthy of all praise. Thank You for Your loving kindness O Lord.




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