February 6th Sally’s Word
I had a vision of a whirlpool where the water is turned around very fast and draws to a central point or vortex and I know God wanted to speak to us, and he says …
“My children, I love you! Be those who are drawn to a central point, or vortex – your vortex is Christ Jesus – do not resist the force that draws you in, but surrender willingly, and be drawn into his love, His healing and his reconciliation. Do not refuse to be drawn by sticking to the periphery, but surrender your All – your reputation, your identity, your world of success – lay it all down and surrender to the drawing force of Jesus – Give it all up and let Him make of it, what He wills – you will find you have lost nothing, but have gained the whole of His world – peace, joy, love, reconciliation and a sound mind – you will have power to live His life”